The following operations are supported. For a formal definition, please review the Service Description.
This is the request from an XmlToIcd converter to cancel one or more current subscriptions. -
Returns a string containing the current number of messages in the parse queue, merge queue, and output queue -
This call is used to keep the client session to ExtractorServer from timing out. -
This is the Login request to the Extractor from a data consumer. The Extractor only accepts one client at a time, so Login will fail once a user has logged in. -
This is the Logout request to the Extractor from a data consumer. -
Retrieves current status data for the specified datatypes and networks without a prior login. -
Retrieves current status data for the specified datatypes and networks without a prior login. -
This is the Subscription request to the Extractor from a data consumer. It returns the initial status data which was subscribed for. If the persistant argument is false, no further updates will be sent -
This is the Subscription request to the Collector from a data consumer, such as a Collector or Extractor. The Collector returns an XML string containing the subscribed-for data and networks. The sSubscriptionDataTypes string contains the XML element names for all requested data types, delimited by a single space. The sNetworks string contains the XML element names for all requested networks, The bPersistent flag is set if updates should be sent to the client's update web service. If not set, only the current status will be sent in the response - no further updates will be provided. -
This is the Subscription request to the Collector from a data consumer, such as a Collector or Extractor. The Collector returns an XML string containing the subscribed-for data and networks. The sSubscriptionDataTypes string contains the XML element names for all requested data types, delimited by a single space. The sNetworks string contains the XML element names for all requested networks, The bPersistent flag is set if updates should be sent to the client's update web service. If not set, only the current status will be sent in the response - no further updates will be provided.